Wednesday, August 3, 2011


 I recently returned from several weeks in Virginia, and nothing says summer to me quite like being in Bath County, VA.  I've been going to my family's cabin there my whole life and it is a place dear to my heart.  It is in a rural area in the beautiful Allegheny Mountains in southwest Virginia.  It's where I go to relax, clear my head, and have fun with my family.  The cabin sits along the Cowpasture River and our days are filled with river trips, fishing, swimming, hiking and lots of wonderful meals.  My dad has a large vegetable garden, or we bring lots of fresh produce from the Roanoke City Farmer's Market.  We spent the 4th of July there and had quite a feast.  It was a happy 4th...
Getting the table ready for our independence day dinner
And all the sides...
And the main course, yum!!! Shipped all the way from Maine by Simply Lobsters.
Ended the evening watching lightning bugs (along with the trusty Little Tikes cozy coupe, which was never too far away)

Time for bed, good night...


  1. Beautiful photos. Such a magical spot.

  2. We missed the Cowpasture this year especially with the 98 degree temps in SC! Great photos!
